School day and attendance
This section of our website outlines some key times of our school day and also important information about how we support and promote good attendance.
The school day is broken down into 2 sessions – Morning and Afternoon.
School gates open at 8:30am and registration is at 8:50am. Please ensure your child is in school for a prompt start.
Children who arrive after registration has closed at 8:50am are classed as late. Children arriving after 8:50am will be allocated a late mark. An unauthorised absence will be allocated for the morning session if a child arrives after 9:20am. We may contact you if we are concerned about your child’s lateness.
If your child is ill or unable to come to school, please contact the school office before 9:15am. If a message has not been received by the school by 9:15am, we will endeavour to contact parents/carers. If we do not receive notification of your child’s absence, this will be marked as unauthorised.
Afternoon registration is at 1:00pm. The school day ends at 3:30pm.
If a child or young person is not collected within 30 minutes of the end of the school day or after school activity and school cannot contact a parent/carer or other named contact person, school has a duty to contact the Local Authority call centre or Social Care duty officer to refer the child to a place of safety.
For general inquiries or advice about attendance, please contact Miss Hedge or Mrs Bates in our office.
If you would like further support, advice or help around attendance please contact Ms Batterham on 01909 550758.
Miss Batterham has responsibility for monitoring attendance in school and can offer advise and support.
We also have our Pastoral Lead, Mr Ross, who will be happy to chat and support with any attendance or wellbeing related matters.
Please ring the school number 01909 550 758 before 9:30am and let the office know the reason for your child’s absence. If the line is busy you can leave a message on the answer machine, please state the nature of the illness in the message.
For persistent illness, you may be asked for a doctor’s note or medical appointment card.
Please be aware that you must contact the school every day to report the absence, not just on the first day.
If we do not hear from you, we may have to phone to ensure you and your child are safe. This is part of our safeguarding approach.
We would always ask, where possible, that appointments are made out of school hours. This is so that your child does not miss out on vital steps in their learning.
However, we appreciate that this is not always possible. If this is not possible please inform the school office. We would ask that children attend school until the appointment time and be returned afterwards if possible. You will need to bring the appointment card/letter when you collect him/her from school.
Please contact school for further information.
At Woodsetts Primary we appreciate the importance of family holidays and understand the difficulties that can be faced when organising these. However, our policy regarding holidays is in line with the Department of Education’s guidelines and Whitewood Primary Academy Trust guidelines.
Parents/Carers do not have the right to remove their children from school for a holiday. The Head Teacher can only authorise leave in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances for a limited number of days. If you intend to take your child out of school, please complete the form which also includes information and advice.
Please note: If parents or carers take their child out of school without permission, their child’s absence will be recorded as unauthorised in the class register. Unauthorised leave may result in the issue of a Penalty Notice under the provisions of the Education Act 1996 (as amended).
School day
8:30am - Classrooms open / morning learning activities
8:50am - Doors close and registration begins
8:55am - Assembly
9:10am - Lessons begin
10.15am / 10.30am - Playtimes
12:00 - 1:00pm - KS1 Dinner time
12.30pm - 1.30pm - KS2 Dinner time
3:30pm - End of learning time / home time
- All classes take an additional physical activity session/playtime each afternoon for 15 minutes.
- Class Briefing takes place on Tuesdays.
- Celebration assembly takes place on Friday at 3:00pm
At Woodsetts Primary, we promote and support good attendance. This is made high profile in many ways including special displays around school:
We also promote attendance each week in our Friday Celebration Assembly. To view our Attendance Policy, please click here to jump to our policies page.